How To Lift Your Mood? Tips and tricks.

Let’s be honest! 

Staying positive and happy in this period of a pandemic is nearly unfeasible. Because of it, people have become depressed and pessimist. people are losing jobs and can't meet their friends, which makes them feel low. While struggling through these some of them start taking help from medicines and even from drugs of different kinds. And these drugs can have adverse effects on health.

You can boost your mood even without these drugs and medication by doing  these simple things even at home;

1.    Eat chocolate

Eating chocolate can lift up our mood because of the chemicals present in them. Phenylethylamine present in chocolate known as a love drug because it increases pulse rate and makes us happy.

Serotonin is another mood-lifting superpower released in the brain due to tryptophan present in chocolate. Tryptophan is a chemical present in small quantities in chocolate and is associated with the production of serotonin hormone that is responsible for feelings of happiness. 

So if you're feeling low or a bit sad you might grab a chocolate bar now. 


2.    Exercise

Exercise causes the releases of hormones such as serotonin and endorphins that help to lift up your mood and also reduce the feelings of loneliness and isolation. If we exercise regularly it can also reduce stress, depression, and anxiety.

 It is said that exercise can be as effective as anti-depressants in treating mild-to-moderate depression. Except for treating depression, it can also avert people from becoming depressed again. In addition, it also limits the effects of stress on the brain.

3.    Adopt a pet

Physiologists explain that animals are the most effective therapists. Petting an animal can decrease the level of cortisol, a stress hormone, and boost the release of serotonin neurotransmitters which cause lower blood pressure and lower heart rate resulting in an elevated mood.

 Depression is a byproduct of isolation and loneliness, in this case, pets can help you to recover from depression.

4.    Listen to music

Some studies have shown that listening to your favorite music may release happy hormones such as melatonin and norepinephrine, it may decrease the production of stress-causing hormones in the body. It reduces stress and anxiety. It can also, boost self-confidence and lessen the depressed mood. 

Music also releases a hormone in the brain called dopamine which improves your mood and helps to recover the anxiety.

5.    Eat green veggies

Green veggies like spinach, Brussels, and broccoli are packed with folate, a B vitamin that assists with the production of serotonin. This chemical release in the brain can alleviate your mood.

A study by the University of Virginia Health System found that the probiotics present in these foods may help to lower the negative thoughts.

6.    Start a new hobby

Starting a new hobby can help you to engage in something and divert your mind from negative thoughts and stress. Since hobbies allow you to work towards something you like. And when you work hard and succeeded no matter what it is, your brain flooded with a chemical substance known as dopamine. A chemical that bolsters your mood also gives motivation. And you start feeling happy.

some of the hobbies that you can adapt according to your tastes can be:

  1. sketching
  2. writing
  3. painting
  4. cooking
  5. knitting
  6. planting

7.    Home gardening

Home gardening is another effective way to lift up your mood. Because gardening is relaxing, they can also be places where our efforts result in a real sense of achievement, self-esteem, and boosting confidence.

There are also some real shreds of evidence that just looking at some green space has positive effects on people’s mental health helping them to relax and stress-free. Gardening also reduces medication and self-harming behavior. So it helps you to be less depressed, also developed feelings of happiness and contentment.

 Nutritionists are nowadays advising more organic food and homegrown vegetables as they have fewer chemicals and pesticides etc thrown on them. So this type of activity can make you feel better and would fill up your kitchen as well.

8.    Eating spicy food

Eating spicy food also helps you with your bad mood. Capsaicinoids present in chili which are the cause of pain signals. The brain responds by releasing another type of neurotransmitter known as endorphins. They are the body’s natural way of relieving pain by blocking transmit of pain signals.

 Also, the neurotransmitter dopamine, a hormone responsible for pleasure also releases. In essence, the people eating a large amount of spicy food triggers a sense of euphoria.

If you don't feel better after doing these activities at home, I would suggest you consult professional help and reach out to your close friends. 









  1. Amazing.. Learnt many new things.. And got courage and reason to eat spicy things 😂😂

  2. Ufffff behtreeenn 💯❤️

  3. You know , i have pets from many years , you can say me the best gardner in town as well 😛 , & i love workout as as i love food , Phr ye stress kahan say ata h


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